Freebirds World Burrito art installation, via thelivelykitchen.com blog.
In the bathroom stall with my 2 boys at Freebirds today …
“Big A” (as he does his business): “I love you SO much, mommy.”
Me: “Aw, thanks buddy. I love you too.”
Lady in the next stall (WTF??): “Oh, that is the sweetest thing I have EVER heard!!”
(Because who doesn’t love good bathroom chit-chat with strangers?)
“Big A”: “Mommy, who is that?”
Me: “I don’t know, buddy. Just a nice lady.”
“Big A”: “Is she pooping, too?”
And silence from next door…
Hey lady, just warms your heart, doesn’t it? That’ll teach ya to talk to the toddler in the next stall!