I resolved to stop making resolutions a decade ago. I mean, really. Who actually changes their life and starts to exercise, gives up fried food, travels more, has more sex and reads their Bible every day?
But this year, I resolved to try a little harder to be a healthier mom. I have already put off dieting until Monday, but this morning I did hit the trail with the family.
Our town has a fantastic nature preserve, and we had a great time walking through it. The trail is about a mile and a half, so long enough for a 2-year-old and a fat mom. I even jogged part of it. Now, that was after my husband said, “First person to the car gets a cake pop at Starbucks!” But still, I think it counts. I only had to knock Little Son out of the way once. That’ll teach him.
Did you make any resolutions this year? What are some of the things you are doing to stay healthy enough to chase your kids? Tell me all about it!